
Showing posts from August, 2020

Back to School, Post-COVID

In September of every year, thousands of young people across the country return to school. Whether you’re going to University, starting High School, or continuing your education journey in a fond place - this time of year can bring to surface a lot of emotions for all.  This year is no exception. Over the next few weeks, young people will be transitioning back to full-time education for the first time in almost 6 months. After what has been an extraordinarily uncertain period in their lives, this could bring relief to young people - they can finally see some sort of ‘normal’ again. But, this year for the first time, young people will be returning to a new version of school, a new kind of structure and a new normal of everyday life.  As a result of this, you could be feeling a copious range of emotions. Some may be feeling excited; some may be feeling nervous or happy or apprehensive; and some may be wishing they valued their time off a little more!  At Newport Youth Council, we wan

Dychwelyd i'r Ysgol, Ôl-COVID

Ym mis Medi bob blwyddyn, mae miloedd o bobl ifanc ledled y wlad yn dychwelyd i'r ysgol. P'un a ydych chi'n mynd i'r Brifysgol, yn cychwyn yn yr Ysgol Uwchradd, neu'n parhau â'ch taith addysg mewn lle hoffus - gall yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn ddod â llawer o emosiynau i bawb. Nid yw eleni yn eithriad. Dros yr wythnosau nesaf, bydd pobl ifanc yn trosglwyddo yn ôl i addysg llawn-amser am y tro cyntaf mewn bron i 6 mis. Ar ôl yr hyn a fu’n gyfnod eithriadol o ansicr yn eu bywydau, gallai hyn ddod â rhyddhad i bobl ifanc - o’r diwedd gallant weld rhyw fath o ‘normal’. Ond, am y tro cyntaf eleni, bydd pobl ifanc yn dychwelyd i fersiwn newydd o'r ysgol, math newydd o strwythur a normal newydd mewn bywyd bob dydd. O ganlyniad i hyn, fe allech chi fod yn teimlo ystod helaeth o emosiynau. Efallai bod rhai yn teimlo'n gyffrous; gall rhai fod yn teimlo'n nerfus neu'n hapus neu'n bryderus; ac efallai bod rhai yn dymuno werthfawrogi eu hamser i ffwrd

GCSE & A-Level Results: Wishing you the best of luck!

On the 20th of March, our lives came to an immediate halt as a result of this unprecedented situation; we were being given complicated information during such an uncertain time and we weren’t sure who to believe or who to listen to. As well as this, we had no idea who to turn to with our number of questions. Do we keep revising? Should we hand in our books? Will we get the grades we deserve? These questions and thoughts passed through the minds of many teenagers across the country, I’m sure.             As the COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease, our stress levels may not be doing the same. GCSE and A-Level Results Days are fast-approaching and at Newport Youth Council, we'd like to provide you with some helpful advice in advance of your big day.   Congratulate Yourself Whether you get the results you expected or not, that's OK. Try to celebrate what you have achieved, whether that is academically or not - you've survived this extremely difficult time and you deserv